EVENT \クレーンゲームが登場/スコア20点以上でソノヒグラシマスコット🎁【7/7まで】 INFO 【配信者の方へ】ツイキャスで収益を得るには

Hello ladies and gelatine

Hello ladies and gelatine
(u like my 10 second drawing of Yuka? me too)

I have been stressing for a good minute now that i have a discord server, not a lot of my viewers are in it
Let me explain a bit on what we do in the server and you can decide if you want to join after i'm done!

We are a horror games based server, but mainly play early 90's to 2010's horror games, silent hill, fatal frame, cry of fear, etc.
we do also play other games like gmod, roblox, minecraft and whatever we feel like, we post literally anything, it doesn't need to be horror game related strictly, the mods are very active and we are very close with members, and if you ever wanna talk to me you can always join since i dwell on discord more than i see my family

anyways here's the invite for those wanting to join!!


hope to see you there :DD
