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Childhood cancer awareness month.

Childhood cancer awareness month.

I have lost two very important people in my life this year Iliad Mullins (cousin) and calla woods (one of my best friends and pastor’s daughter). Both never knew each other, but both were Diagnosed with the same cancer. ATRT which is a very rare brain cancer. Iliad was Diagnosed at 4 months and died on his 11th month birthday. Calla had a very short battle only 7 week at only 9 years old. Both children had to go to war with side effects of chemotherapy, brain Biopsies, MRIs, Sometimes medically induced comas and ventilators. Deterioration of speech and mobility.

These are not battles but wars. Wars for siblings, parents, friends. Nobody should have to go though this. The only thing that’s keeping our sanity now is the fact they’re not suffering anymore.

Sweet calla and Iliad you changed my life. Not a day goes by and won’t where I won’t think about you. I love you guys.
