
TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -2021-08-13

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至8/27/2021 (Fri) 23:59 JST)

Cast: 摩天楼オペラ / ARTiCLEAR / Unlucky Morpheus / 黒の暁

Live house Urawa Narcisse (Zёnit Music Factory Co., Ltd.) has been holding a 5 Days Hall live festival at Saitama Hall every August since 1995 !!
The 27th year of [Tamakan-Raven Symphony-] 74th, 75, 76th
This year's Corona Sorrow will be held on 3DAYS with additional distribution.
On the first day of 3Days, 8/13 is 4MAN LIVE with plenty of playing time for each performing artist.
Even those who come to the live venue and participate in the war can enjoy it.

Advance limited: \ 1000 OFF
【Please tell me the name of the artist you are looking for】


TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -2021-08-13 3,200 日圓含稅
TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -2021-08-13 4,200 日圓含稅
Please let us know the name of the artist you are looking for.

Cast: 摩天楼オペラ / ARTiCLEAR / Unlucky Morpheus / 黒の暁

Live house Urawa Narcisse (Zёnit Music Factory Co., Ltd.) has been holding a 5 Days Hall live festival at Saitama Hall every August since 1995 !!
The 27th year of [Tamakan-Raven Symphony-] 74th, 75, 76th
This year's Corona Sorrow will be held on 3DAYS with additional distribution.
On the first day of 3Days, 8/13 is 4MAN LIVE with plenty of playing time for each performing artist.
Even those who come to the live venue and participate in the war can enjoy it.
TAMAKAN sikkoku~yumenotuduki -08-13-お得 3,700 日圓含稅
Cast: 摩天楼オペラ / ARTiCLEAR / Unlucky Morpheus / 黒の暁

In consideration of the extension of the fourth emergency declaration of corona infection prevention measures and priority measures to prevent spread, early discount ticket sales for a limited time have ended, but you can purchase it for 500 yen OFF from today to 7/20 We have sold additional tickets.

Live house Urawa Narcisse (Zёnit Music Factory Co., Ltd.) has been holding a 5 Days Hall live festival at Saitama Hall every August since 1995 !!
The 27th year of [Tamakan-Raven Symphony-] 74th, 75, 76th
This year's Corona Sorrow will be held on 3DAYS with additional distribution.
On the first day of 3Days, 8/13 is 4MAN LIVE with plenty of playing time for each performing artist.
Even those who come to the live venue and participate in the war can enjoy it.

Advance limited: \ 500 OFF
【Please tell me the name of the artist you are looking for】

※ 無論購買何種票券,皆可觀看相同的 星級直播

※ 票券只有一種可供購買
