EVENT \クレーンゲームが登場/スコア20点以上でソノヒグラシマスコット🎁【7/7まで】 INFO 【配信者の方へ】ツイキャスで収益を得るには

f:Futomi Nomura キャス

  • レベル 1
  • サポーター 0
Your not so average Filipino/Japanese boy/man around... haha... I inherited my father's looks (not his wallet though) and maybe some of his personality... Even though you haven't met my father (I can't remember him much) i know that we are alike...
For those people who want to add me up... feel free to do so...
just massage me if we meet somewhere or talked one time...
I will gladly accept your friend request...

Also i do PC troubleshooting for hardware and software...
Just PM me for details...