INFO 【配信者の方へ】ツイキャスで収益を得るには EVENT 7/12(金) 22:30〜👻🎬REC/レック2 無料放送!

Sky Tree!

Sky Tree!

I was able to see it from my unit!

So you can guess where I am! I'm back in Japan~ I will be taking it easy for the most part. I'll stream a little here and there. I'm still traveling today. I had a stay in Tokyo to rest my body after such a long flight. Of course I had sushi for dinner with my favorite Mitsuya Cider let's gooo💜

It's a cool moring in Tokyo. Immigration said it would be cold. Coming from the polar vortex to THIS is nothing. Everyone is all bundled up and I feel weird for just a cardigan and a sweater😂

I might stream a bit. I dont know yet. My Wi-Fi seems decent but I might cap it by using the data to stream.

I'll be here for probably a while maybe longer😂🤞
